Safely sharing a sleep surface with your baby

Did you know that there is a shift in how bed-sharing information is being shared with parents? Instead of blanket "Don't" dictates (which ignored the reality that 80% of babies spend time in their parents' bed in the first six months) new parents are now educated about reducing the risks and safely sharing sleep.

There is growing evidence to support a distinction between exclusively breastfed infants (whose parents intentionally bed-share in a prepared environment) and accidental or unplanned shared sleep with non-breastfed babies (particularly on sofas and armchairs).

All parents and carers have the right to make educated decisions about where their children sleep. That includes safe bed-sharing guidelines provided in the same way safe cot-sleeping guidelines are: widespread, non-judgemental and culturally appropriate.

Parents should not need to stumble across safety guidelines.


Normalising Breastsleeping


Cosleeping with your baby: Red Nose guidelines