How much milk do breastfed babies drink?

Don't be fooled by the measurements on baby bottles or recommended quantities on formula cans: they have nothing to do with breastfed babies!

Each baby takes exactly what they need, when they need it, from the breast. When research was finally done on breastmilk intake over 24 hours, the results surprised everyone!

Surely all babies would be much the same?

Surely the daily volume would steadily increase over the first six months?

Surely every feed would be roughly the same?

Nope. Nope. Nope!

Who knew? Nature knew!

When a baby is breastfed as often as they want, for as long as they want, they regulate milk production to exactly what they need. When they need more, they feed more. Cluster feeding. Developmental leaps. Hot weather. Sick days.

It is only when we interfere with our clocks and charts and expectations that this natural feedback rhythm is disturbed.

A well-attached baby who is effectively removing milk is in full control of their intake. We can sit back and go with the flow.


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Milky Moments