Embracing the breast

Sometimes it's the little things which make the biggest difference. And babies arms and breastfeeding are a great example of this. In the fuss and bother of getting baby to the breast, it's easy to think it can't really matter that much if an arm is in the way. But it means your baby can't be as close as they need to be and that can make the Latch just that bit more shallow.

Imagine how difficult it is getting close to the dinner table in those final weeks of pregnancy. Your body shape means you need to lean your head in closer to bring your food to your mouth. It changes your posture and uses muscles in a different way, which can be fatiguing.

It's the same for your new baby at the breast. If they need to stretch a bit more to reach the breast, they need to hold that position or the nipple will slip out of their mouth. They "keep coming off" can be they are struggling to hold the breast in place.

If we bring their body as close as possible, then the breast is right in front of them. They can relax and focus on removing milk without having to stretch to reach.

Attachment is important. But don't overlook the other half of the equation: positioning. Getting the position right enables good attachment. Poor positioning hinders it.


Babies hands and breastfeeding


Breastfeeding is a relationship between baby and breast