See also The First Trimester for more information on babywearing in the first three months



Human infants are naturally carried throughout the early years of life. In addition to in-arms carrying, there are long traditions of constructed baby carriers being used around the globe in human history. Modern baby carriers combine ancient designs with modern technology. Babywearing is not inherently dangerous however there are unsafe practices which we discourage and unsafe designs which we do not support.

Babywearing education is important and should be freely available to all who need it. Choosing and using a baby carrier should be supported without commercial bias or judgement. Our group accepts products offered as testers for review with no personal gain and no promise of positive feedback.

Yvette ODowd Yvette ODowd

We are always learning

I recently discovered this treasure in amongst old family photos. Christmas 1987, my daughter Kaitlyn in my trusty Nursing Mothers' Meh Tai. One of just a couple of photos of me wearing my own babies.

My second thought on seeing it was "Oh dear!"

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Yvette ODowd Yvette ODowd

What Exactly Is Babywearing?

Have you ever seen a young mum with her baby seemingly strapped against her body with what looks like a tablecloth?

Welcome to the modern take of the ancient art of babywearing!

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Yvette ODowd Yvette ODowd

Choosing a Baby Carrier

Babywearing – carrying your baby or toddler hands-free in everything from a simple piece of fabric to a purpose-designed product – is popular.

Not only do busy parents need do a million things at once (or so it seems!) but they recognise the need for close connections to bond with and soothe their child.

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Yvette ODowd Yvette ODowd


The T.I.C.K.S. guidelines have been embraced by the modern western babywearing community in the past decade as an easy way to remember the most important positioning recommendations. The goals here are to protect the infant's airway and ergonomically support their spine and hips.

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