
Getting out and about with small children is like herding cats! Making sure everyone brings what they need, doesn't lose it and manages to bring it home at the end of the day is challenging. Wrangling a baby or toddler at the same time, in car parks, public spaces or in nature often means you can't sit them down so you have both hands and if you brought the pram, it is usually laden with everyone's stuff which they promised they would carry all day!

Thank goodness for #babywearing. It keeps mobile little ones secure, gives you two hands and lets you focus on the task at hand.

Choosing a carrier for older babies and toddlers can seem confusing but we've got you. At our meets and markets you can see and try a whole range of options and work out what best suits you. Try before you buy and get it right the first time!

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Mythbusters: babywearing facts versus fiction


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